Sparta Academy Faculty and Staff
Amy Brock, Administrator
Shannon Stillwell, Secretary
Joanna Jernigan, Spanish
Jeri Rodgers, 7th Homeroom-Career Prep, Fine Arts, Biology/Science, ACT Prep, English
Lee Biela, 8th Homeroom-Head JV/V Baseball Coach; Asst. Football Coach, History/Government, Speech, P.E. Matthew Perry, 9th Homeroom- Asst. Football Coach, History, Computer
Emily Lowery, 10th Homeroom-English, Literature
Christin Smith, 11th Grade Homeroom-Math, Science/Health/Biology, Current Events, Life Skills
Belinda Robinson, 12th Homeroom-Guidance Counselor, Dual Enrollment, Math, Geography, English
Lisa Rolling-Algebra, Pre-Cal, & Geometry
Karen Harold- Spanish
Arlton Hudson-Athletic Advisor, Head Football Coach, Science, Anatomy, Math, Reading & Content, and PE
Robert Petermenter- Assist. Football Coach, Math, P.E.
Kyle Allen- Religion